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Diagnosed With Metastatic Breast Cancer While Pregnant, Caroline Moore Shares Her Story

By BCRF | October 5, 2018

The mother of two and her family are committed to supporting lifesaving research.

Caroline Moore remembers the moment clearly. It was a Saturday evening last October – what would have been a date night for her and her husband – when she was told devastating news.

“I was 33 years old and six months pregnant when my world came apart,” she says.

For three months Caroline had suffered from severe back pain and could barely walk, but doctors believed the pain was related to her pregnancy. When her legs stopped working, she received an MRI. It revealed a large tumor on her spinal cord. Twenty minutes later, she was prepped for emergency spinal surgery with her husband holding their 20-month-old son and her mother alongside her while she tried to take in the news.

“The doctor told us, with tears in her eyes, that they needed to operate immediately. There was no guarantee – even with the surgery – that I may walk again,” Caroline said.

The surgery took four hours and confirmed that the tumor was malignant. She was diagnosed with stage IV triple positive breast cancer.

Imaging revealed Caroline’s cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, liver, and bones. After recovering from her spinal surgery, Caroline received cancer treatment both during her pregnancy and after safely delivering her daughter, Genevieve.

“Thankfully, today she is a healthy, happy, alert, growing, and big girl,” Caroline says.

During this time, her family surrounded her. Caroline’s parents moved in. Her in-laws rented a house nearby. On three occasions, her sister in-law drove to St. Louis from Chicago to take Caroline to chemotherapy while juggling her own responsibilities of being a working mother with two little girls.

“We have felt nothing but complete support from family since day one. It wasn’t unexpected because we have such great families, but it was greatly appreciated.”

Her family has also rallied around the importance of breast cancer research – committing themselves to raising funds for BCRF in Caroline’s honor.

“The more research that is funded, the faster new discoveries will be made and more lives will be saved. I am alive because of research that has happened in just the past 10 to 20 years,” Caroline says.

“For now my disease seems to be contained, but I am under no illusions about an uncertain future. My doctors warn that I still have a long, hard road ahead of me,” she says.

“In some ways just my continued existence is a miracle. But the true miracle will not occur until a cure is found for metastatic breast cancer.”

Click here for more information on Caroline’s story and how to donate in her honor.


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I give to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, located in New York, NY, federal tax identification number 13-3727250, ________% of my total estate (or $_____).

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