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Breast Cancer Prevention Series: BCRF Shares the Science Behind Staying Healthy

By BCRF | January 8, 2018

Our series focuses on sharing evidence-based tips to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss is a mainstay of many wellness resolutions. However, getting on the scale after the holidays is not a welcomed experience for many. For some it serves as a reminder of how easy it is to gain a few pounds.

Weight gain is common among adults, with most adding one to two pounds each year between the ages of 18 and 49, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. This extra weight decreases our quality of life and increases our risk of chronic diseases, including cancer. According to a statement from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, being overweight or obese is on track to surpass tobacco as the leading preventable cause of many cancers, including breast cancer, with over half a million obesity-related cancers predicted in the U.S. by 2030.

Clinical studies have shown that losing weight is only half the battle and that maintaining a healthy weight is the bigger struggle. Adopting lifestyle patterns that include a healthy diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep will support both short-term and long-term health goals.

With these ideas in mind, we are launching this series to help you keep your resolution for a lifetime. From healthy living tips to updates from BCRF researchers in the fields of breast cancer prevention, we aim to give you all the tools you need to make 2018 your healthiest year yet. 

Part One: What is Considered a Healthy Weight?

Part Two: How To Stay Active

Part Three: How Mindfulness Can Bring Lasting Change


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