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Grant Guidelines

Our grant invitation and review process involves a rigorous assessment and examination of creative new directions in clinical and translational breast cancer research in need of seed funding. Our unique approach allows the Scientific Advisory Board to use their expertise and knowledge to seek out investigators whose thinking has demonstrated the potential to advance the prevention, understanding and treatment of breast cancer towards our goal of prevention and cure. The Scientific Advisors invite proposals in late spring and review proposals in the summer. Unsolicited requests for funding are discouraged.

For invited proposals, we request a brief project narrative, a lay summary suitable for public use, an annual budget (typically for no more than $250,000 with a maximum of 20 percent in indirect costs) and a budget narrative.

Considerable latitude is given to investigators and creative collaborations are encouraged. Both BCRF’s Board of Directors and the Scientific Advisors agree that some of the most important advances in understanding the disease will occur by enabling brilliant minds to pursue their biggest and brightest ideas.

Grants are awarded on an annual basis for the period, October 1 to September 30. Review of the invited proposals begins in June and funding decisions are announced to the applicants and their institutions in August following approval by BCRF’s Board of Directors. Awards are publicly announced on October 1.

The awards are paid in two installments, in early October and early March and all grantees are required to submit an annual progress report and a final financial report following the close of the grant year. 

Grants are generally awarded for one year, but may be invited for renewal pending satisfactory progress, continued need and fit within BCRF’s overall research portfolio. 

Support research with a legacy gift. Sample, non-binding bequest language:

I give to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, located in New York, NY, federal tax identification number 13-3727250, ________% of my total estate (or $_____).

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