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CAKES body

Partner Since 2024

About the Program

BCRF welcomed CAKES body to the BCRF family in 2024 as an expansion of their commitment to breast cancer research and support programs, empowering a future of hope and healing for all.

CAKES’ commitment to BCRF also launched the CAKES body Award, supporting Dr. van’t Veer’s research focused on identifying biomarkers to help predict patient outcomes from treatment.

About CAKES body

CAKES body launched its first product, grippy not sticky “CAKES covers” as as simple solution to help women feel more comfortable in workout tops and swimwear. Determined to find a better quality alternative to the crumpled foam sports bra pads and puffy pasties on the market, sisters Taylor and Casey designed seamless and sleek silicone inserts (CAKES!) for themselves, and released them without a formal business plan – just a single Instagram post.

Very quickly, they started hearing from women going through various body & boob changes (adolescents going through puberty, breast feeding moms, breast-cancer survivors) that CAKES made them feel FREE in their clothes for the first time in a long time. They were wearing CAKES to go braless altogether or as a complement to their bralettes, workout tops, and bodysuits that they were living in.

These women illuminated a huge opportunity and a much deeper purpose than originally intended… Today, CAKES body is on a mission to make every day feel as free as a no bra day, creating comfortable alternatives to the traditional bra while giving back to women’s health causes.

CAKES is dedicated to ensuring every woman understands her breast cancer risk and takes charge of her health with confidence and knowledge.

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Support research with a legacy gift. Sample, non-binding bequest language:

I give to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, located in New York, NY, federal tax identification number 13-3727250, ________% of my total estate (or $_____).

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