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The Power of “We” in Breast Cancer Research

By BCRF | March 16, 2015

Myra Biblowit of BCRF and Paqui Kelly of The Kelly Cares Foundation Discuss the Need for Collaboration

Breast cancer has no boundaries.  It is the most common cancer in women worldwide and the second most common cancer overall. The developing world is experiencing higher mortality rates than ever before due to a lack of access to screening and access and proper treatment, and we are seeing disparities right here at home as social and economic factors create barriers to prompt diagnosis and care.

At a time when medical research budgets are under tremendous pressure, the role of the individual and the private sector could not be more critical.  To eradicate a disease that continues to impact the lives of far too many women, men and families across the world, the power of “we” is needed now more than ever.

There are instances where there can be a silo approach among non-profits, medical institutions and other non-governmental organizations when it comes to research.  In some cases, that approach may foster a competitive spirit.  But we believe the fastest and most efficient path to making new discoveries and inventing new novel methods to address all aspects of breast cancer is through partnership and collaboration.

The Kelly Cares Foundation and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation are joining forces to raise funds for breast cancer research.  On March 16, the two organizations will be teaming up in New York City at the Irish Eyes Gala to raise critical funds for breast cancer research.   A portion of the proceeds raised at the event will be immediately delivered to physicians and scientists around the globe who are working around the clock on the most innovative cancer research.  There’s no time to wait and there is no point in saving for a rainy day or having the funds sit idle before disbursement.  The rainy day is now – with every new diagnosis and every death from this disease. 

Just like there is no “I” in team, there is no “I” in breast cancer research. No institution can conquer this disease on its own. Together, we can. The thousands of women and men suffering from breast cancer today depend on us.

Paqui Kelly is a wife, mother and a two-time breast cancer survivor.  Along with her husband, Notre Dame football coach Brian Kelly, Paqui created the Kelly Cares Foundation support organizations, initiatives, and programs that closely align with the goals and values of the Kelly Foundation: health, community, and education.  Over the last five years, the foundation has donation over $2.3 million to organizations locally, nationally, and globally.

Myra Biblowit is the President of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, one of the largest private funders of breast cancer research in the world, supporting more than 225 investigators across six continents. BCRF remains one of the nation’s most fiscally responsible non-profits in the U.S. and the only breast cancer organization with an A+ rating from CharityWatch.